Educational Contracted Services

Educational Contracted Services (ECS) are the services of an expert, either an individual or company, who personally renders services to the District on a short or infrequent term, on a fee or per diem basis, and does not involve the traditional relationship of employer and employee.

ECS does not include the services of a contracted classroom teacher.

ECS vendors provide technical, educational and/or administrative expertise not otherwise available to or performed by District personnel. These services may consist of information, advice, opinions, alternatives, conclusions, recommendations, demonstrations, or direct assistance, such as studies, analyses, evaluations, performances, and liaison. Vendors may work independently or under District staff supervision based on the type of contract.

Services can include but are not limited to the following items not already under contract with the District:

  • Professional / Staff Development Training
  • Statistical Analysis / Consultant
  • Financial Analysis / Consultant
  • Technology Analysis / Consultant
  • Operations Analysis / Consultant
  • Presentations / Programs (e.g. authors)
  • Marching Band / Drill / Cheer Design and Choreography (includes camps)
  • Speaker(s) for Assembly Programs
  • Other services deemed appropriate for this request

For a vendor to be considered eligible for the ECS contract, they must first register in the District’s eROC electronic procurement system and complete solicitation 22-019 Educational Contracted Services and Materials.

No other vendors will be considered until they have been awarded a contract. The Director of Purchasing may allow exemptions only to vendors that are considered trade associations or governmental entities, though each are encouraged to participate in the contract.

NOTE: Under no circumstances may a contracted service provider be used to specifically aid in influencing or enacting legislation. Service providers may not perform work of a policy-making, decision-making, managerial, or supervisory nature nor may they approve or disapprove actions that commit or expend District funds. AICS may not be obtained for unauthorized purposes, such as to bypass or undermine personnel ceilings or pay limitations.

Procurement Guidelines for Educational Contracted Services


The Purchasing Office provides a list of contracted companies and individuals that can provide the list of services indicated above to the District. The end user is required to issue a purchase order to the selected Vendor for all contracted services with a total dollar amount greater than $500 per event. Failure to secure a purchase order prior to the services starting will render the services non-compliant with this guideline.

The vendor contracts will be a term contract to be in effect on date of the vendor’s award through June 2023.


Awards to ECS vendors will be based on the vendor meeting the requirements set forth in the solicitation. Awards will be made to multiple vendors on an incremental basis. As vendor responses are received, they will be evaluated by the Purchasing Office and either accepted or rejected. A list of the awarded vendors can be found on the District’s Active Contracts Page.


Vendor application may have included some type of pricing structure to use as a guideline (see the Active Contracts page for details). Pricing shall be negotiated for each specific event.

Maximum Annual Expenditure/active-contracts/

The District reserves the right to limit the total expenditure with any one vendor by the District as a whole. If it is determined during the term of the year that the service being provided should and can be competitively procured, the Purchasing Office will cancel the original contract and procure the services through a competitive process.

Vendor Agreements

The District purchase order should be considered the official contract between the District and the Vendor and no other document should be necessary. If the Vendor requires that due to valid reasons an additional agreement is necessary, this agreement will be reviewed by the Purchasing Office prior to signature by an authorized District representative (see District Contracts and Agreements Library Procedure). The District reserves the right to reject such request and consider the purchase order the official agreement. If the District considers the additional agreement, no services are to be provided until the District has reviewed, accepted, modified and/or struck all provisions or clauses that are in violation of State of Texas law, District policies, and/or are not considered in the District’s best interest.

Contract Services Agreement Form

A Contract Services Agreement (“CSA”) Form is used for services provided by an approved vendor who does not have the ability to produce an invoice. A CSA can also be used as an agreement between the District and a person acting as in independent subcontractor in performing services, for services less than $500.00. The requestor must ensure Purchasing policies and guidelines are followed. All CSA’s should be sent to Accounts Payable for payment.

Reimbursable Costs

If the Vendor requires reimbursement for costs (e.g. air travel, lodging, per diem, handouts, and all other District authorized expenses) associated with the services provided, the Vendor must identify this requirement within their response. If such costs are included within the services fees, the Vendor is not required to include this information. For contracts requiring reimbursement, receipts are required and the District will only pay the actual costs incurred by the Vendor.


Payment will be made only after services have been rendered, completion of the performance statement (e.g. milestones) if applicable, and approval for payment by the budget manager. Deposits will be considered on a case-by-case basis and the District will not guarantee that a deposit will be made before services are rendered.

Any questions related to these procedures can be directed to the Round Rock ISD Purchasing Office at ext. 6950.