The District’s Campus Copier Allocation Program is managed by the Print Services Department and was established in 2011 to provide the campuses with more copies on the campus while reducing the amount of budget needed to manage the program. As a District, there is over 200 copier units and with ongoing budget management this created the need for the District to go to a 3-year rental agreement to reduce the per unit cost. The current lease contract is scheduled to end in the summer of 2014.
Campus Copiers Choices
It is fully the decision by the campus administrators on which type and the number of copier units will be on their campus based on the units under contract. Since the District is now using a lease agreement for the copiers, these choices will be in place for the length of the contract. Any additional units added during the middle of the contract will be rentals which have a higher cost. If you are needing to consider additional units, please contact the Print Services Manager at x6981 to receive the latest pricing.
Campus Allocations
The campus allocations are based on the projected population of students plus staff called the “Annual Allocation per Population” (“AAP” = students + staff x 12 months). In 2011-2012, each campus was given $10.302/AAP, and in 2012-2013, the number was $10.467/AAP. This number is based on the budget allocated by Administration divided by the total District-wide AAP provided by Human Resources.
Copier Budget – .16 Funds
Once the AAP rate has been determined, the Print Services Manager will move funds into the appropriate campus / department accounts to cover the monthly invoices. All allocations are placed directly into their budget under account code 626916. After the annual copier costs have been finalized, the remaining funds will be reallocated to their account code 639916. These funds can be used to cover any overages the campus may have with their units, used to pay for print orders through the Print Services department, or used at the campus’s discretion.
Campus Population (AAP): 1,000
Allocation based on $10.467/AAP: $ 10,467
Monthly Copier Cost based on Admin. Solution: $ 6,900
Difference moved into 639916 account: $ 3,567
This campus would have $3,567 available for their discretionary use.
Note: Departments are only given the amount needed to cover the copier units assigned to them. They do not have a 639916 account.
Funds for Overages
If a campus allows for the copiers to be over used by their staff and the allocation provided through the .16 funds is deplenished, the campus will own the cost of any additional expenses incurred. Since this amount is not determined until a few months after the start of the school year, it may be necessary for a budget amendment to be made to the campus’s 639916 funds to cover the overage charges.