Equipment Repairs and Maintenance
Purchase orders must be processed for all equipment repairs.
Audio-visual equipment: Complete AV Repair Request Form and forward to Technical Operations.
Band/Orchestra Instruments: Complete purchase order using appropriate bid vendor prior to repair.
Clocks, bells, intercom systems, instructional TV systems, etc.: Contact the Maintenance Department for service.
Computer Equipment: Contact the Information Services Department for Service.
Copiers: Contact the Print Services Department for the appropriate vendor. Complete purchase order if necessary.
Telephone systems: Contact the Telephone Technician for service.
Typewriters: Complete purchase order using the appropriate bid vendor
Vehicles: Contact the Transportation Director for service. Complete purchase order if necessary.
Insurance and Annuity Representatives
The District shall create and administer a deferred compensation plan governed by Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and its subsequent amendments. The representative shall not be permitted to distribute materials to staff members or to place them in the employee mailboxes. School district resources should not be used to distribute this type of material nor should the representative be allowed in the lounge. View Round Rock ISD Benefits web page to obtain further information about District insurance programs.
Open Records Request Fees
Open Records fees can be found on the Legal Services website.