
Athletic Change Fund Order/Redeposit Procedures

At various times, it may become necessary to have change available during Athletic events. Please plan ahead as a mandatory two-week notice is necessary for the Treasury Dept. to request needed funds from the bank.

Campus Bookkeepers are responsible for complying with the procedures and guidelines outlined here in the FIRM (Financial Information Resources Manual) and assisting campus staff as needed. Strict controls must be maintained by keeping change funds in a locked box in the school vault accessible by only the bookkeeper and the principal when not in use. Change must be re-deposited once the event is over.

Procedures for maintenance of change funds are as follows:

To request a change fund order:

  • Complete the change fund form and ensure principal signature is at the bottom
  • Email completed form to Bank Requests two weeks in advance of scheduled event
  • An order confirmation will be returned to the campus secretary/bookkeeper and principal
  • Order will be delivered by the armored courier

To deposit the change fund order:

  • Complete Athletics Cash Tally form
  • Sponsor and bookkeeper must verify currency and sign form
  • Complete the Operating deposit slip
  • Write on the deposit slip the Athletic Change Fund account assigned specifically for your campus and a brief description of the event
  • Place deposit in the armored transport bag to await pickup
  • The following documents must be forwarded to Accounting immediately once the deposit is sent to the bank
    • Pink copy of the deposit slip
    • Yellow copy of the Athletics Cash Tally form
    • Change Order verification slip that accompanies change fund received

Email Bank Requests if you would like to:

  • increase or decrease the change fund amount
  • cancel an order