The following information is to assist end users in handling follow-ups and expediting delivery of existing purchase orders with Vendors.
Contract Delivery Terms
In most District contracts, delivery requirements are established within the solicitation (e.g. Request for Quote, Bid or Proposal) and the subsequent contract award. There are specific procedures to follow that are identified in the contract should problems with delivery occur. If delivery time is a critical element in the purchase, it is imperative that any solicitation or contact with the Vendor identify the delivery requirements. This must be established and communicated by the end user to the Vendor and the Buyer in Purchasing prior to release of an order. Any special instructions related to delivery should be included on the requisition entered by the end user.
Order Processing Time
It is necessary to allow a Vendor sufficient time to process an order. As a general rule, it is within acceptable business practices to check on an order on a weekly basis and request an anticipated delivery date. In most instances, any contact done more frequently than once a week is counter-productive and will not foster a good business relationship with the Vendor. This contact can be made by the end user.
Order Follow-up – Non-delinquent
The end user is responsible for following up with the Vendor if there is a concern about the delivery being received on time and/or within the contract requirements. The end user may contact the Vendor to negotiate a more acceptable delivery. If an agreement cannot be reached, the end user should notify the Buyer in Purchasing. Please note that if no agreement was reached before the release of the order, the delivery requirements cannot be added unless agreed upon by both the Vendor and the end user. If this is done, both the end user and the Vendor should agree to the delivery schedule in writing.
Late Deliveries – Delinquent
If a predetermined or agreed upon delivery has not been met or appears to be in jeopardy, the end user should contact the Buyer who will work with the Vendor to identify the problem and take corrective action. Written notice of a late delivery to the Buyer by the end user can be included in the Vendor’s performance file and can be used as a performance issue for future awards.
Any questions related to these procedures can be directed to the Round Rock ISD Purchasing Office at ext. 6950.